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India is being termed the Diabetes capital of the world. Majority of the population in our country are vegetarians and hence the intake of carbohydrates is much more than proteins or fats, coupled with sedentary and highly stressful lifestyles – all these points form the perfect recipe for becoming chronic diabetics. Rajalakshmi Hospital is one of the finest diabetes hospitals for screening, treatment, management and patient counselling. We also offer excellent prediabetes treatment knowing well the requirements of the stressed-out patients. Our team consist of some of the most reputed diabetologists in the city. Be it Type 1 DM, Type 2 Dm, Gestational Diabetes or Paediatric Diabetes, we have them all covered. Visit us today to get your blood sugars checked and ensure that you do not become the next victim of this chronic and deliberating disease.


Who are at risk?

In the current world, anybody can be a potential diabetic. Be it a school going kid or an active adult or an elderly homemaker. Gone are the days when diabetes was predominantly seen in the older population. Today, even children below 10 years of age are being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Largely occurring due to unhealthy lifestyles, Type 2 DM is one of fastest growing disease. Though Genetics, Obesity and Stress are the primary factors, the secondary factors can be epigenetic and due to unhealthy intake of food, lack of exercise, etc. The main symptoms are increased urination, increased thirst, lack of energy, diminishing appetite and unexplained weight loss or weight gain. If you are experiencing any of these, it is highly advisable to get your blood sugar checked (both FBS and PPBS). In the general scenario, most doctors advise anyone over the age of 45 to keep monitoring their blood sugars at regular periods (once in 2 months or so). Remember, Type 2 DM is largely a lifestyle disease and can be easily managed. There is no need to panic. As a matter of fact, panic will only aggravate your symptoms to a higher degree. It is important to maintain the ideal weight as per your height and stay away from alcohol, tobacco, refined products and junk food. Especially children who are obese should be taken for a check up once in a while to monitor their blood sugar levels. Those already diagnosed as Diabetics should taken even more care to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle to avoid disease progression.


Why Rajalakshmi Hospital?

Diabetologists of Rajalakshmi Hospital are some of the best in the business. They have excellent expertise and years of experience treating diabetics. We believe that Diabetes is not only about managing blood sugar levels but also about lifestyle management. It is important for the doctors to build a good rapport with their patients and make the patients feel comfortable with the presenting medical condition. This positive approach gives the patients more confidence in managing Diabetes and also, we conduct regular awareness camps that can be attended by the patients free of cost to know Diabetes better and also be able to manage it more effectively.